Beliefs & Values
. . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
When Jesus gave his followers the command to bring the good news of his death and resurrection to the ends of the earth, he entrusted the church with an amazing task: developing followers of Jesus into steadfast and mature believers.
We as a church aim to play our part in this task by faithfully teaching what we understand to be the clear doctrines of the faith for the upbuilding of Jesus’ church and the advance of his name throughout the world.
Our church is a cooperating member of the Southern Baptist Convention and affirms the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 as its statement of faith.
Our teaching ought to lead to a life of obedience that demonstrates the heart of Jesus. To put language to our call to discipleship in Jesus, we’ve chosen four phrases to summarize our values:
Filled with Truth
The Bible is God’s Word: his perfect, comprehensive revelation of himself and what a life of faith in Jesus entails. Because of this, we want the Bible to sit at the center of all we do and to shape every part of our lives. The Bible will serve as the foundation of all of our ministries so that we might believe and obey it.
Committed to Depth
God intends for us to have a deepening knowledge of his love for us in Christ, and for this knowledge to lead to deepening relationships with one another. These deep relationships are a vital measure of a church’s health. We structure our ministries not merely to create compelling experiences but to form compelling people in a compelling community together as they are shaped into the image of Jesus.
Bound by Mercy
God in Christ has shown us abundant mercy–what sense would it make for us to be harsh toward others? We aim to live in such a way with one another that clearly displays the heart of God, and to display in our attitudes and behavior toward others the same grace that has been poured out upon us.
Shaped for Mission
As the Father sent the Son, so the Son sends the church on mission. We desire to face our community with the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection, and to equip our members to share this good news through natural relationships. We structure our ministries with a strategic simplicity that fosters everyday habits of service and evangelism.