Why Would God Let Me Suffer?
The worst thing we can do with our suffering is decide that it is meaningless. The Bible actually teaches us that God intentionally uses our suffering for our good and his glory. But how? Listen in to find out.
Our Sufferings and His
Suffering is unavoidable; and sometimes, seemingly impossible to endure. But Peter's words to the most vulnerable in society help us see that it is precisely in our suffering that the gospel of Jesus Christ is most clearly put on display. Listen in to learn more.
God & King
Very little can cause conversations to heat up and relationships to be frayed more quickly than politics. What do we do in a world full of disagreement about our relationship to our governing officials? Listen in to this sermon to hear how Christ's kingdom helps us love others within our nation.
In the House of the Lord
In a world that seems to be crumbling under our feet, we ask "is there any lasting hope?" When we look at the apostle Peter's teaching, we see that it is actually the church that is able to withstand the tumult of life on this planet. God's plan for the church is much bigger than we often think, so lets look at what Scripture reveals and embrace the beauty of God's design and find the assurance that our hope is not in vain.
Love and Longing in the Local Church
The gospel creates churches: new families of sinners saved by grace. But how do we possibly manage to put up with one another when we're all so different? Listen in to learn more.
The Hard Work of Paying Attention
The core task of the Christian life is hope: believing in God's promises in Jesus even when things look grim. But how is hope possible when life is so hard? Listen in to find out.
Served by Prophets, Studied by Angels
God's grace towards us in Jesus is unfathomable—but it wasn't necessarily unexpected. Listen in to learn more about how the gospel was God's great plan for mankind from the very beginning, and how that helps us now.
What Faith Won’t Do
Suffering gives us a unique opportunity to examine the nature and focus of our faith. In affliction, God allows a glimpse into the deep parts of our heart—and even shows us His grace.
A God’s-Eye View
Perspective changes everything. How does seeing our life through the lens of faith help us handle the daily challenges we face? Listen in to learn more.
Salvation Is From God
What makes Christians different from the rest of the world? On the most fundamental level, the answer is simply: God. Listen in to learn more.