Thankful Evangelism, Pt. 2
Thanksgiving is a natural response to beholding God, and God guarantees that people will continue to give him thanks forever. Listen in to learn why.
Thankful Evangelism, Pt. 1
Evangelism can feel like an intimidating task for a Christian—how can we possibly hope to be ready to explain Jesus to someone else? The answer that the Bible gives is simple: be grateful that you yourself have received the gospel! Listen in to learn more.
A Personal Relationship with God
Can we really know God? What does it mean to have a "relationship" with a God who speaks the universe into existence? Isn't that all a little simplistic and silly? The thing is, the Bible actually understands just how wild it is that we would presume such a possibility—and then bids us to receive it anyway. Listen in to learn more about Moses' approach to the Lord, and how this encourages us to approach him today.
Trust and Obey
What does it mean to "walk with God?" Something so important to the Christian faith can often be obscured by clichés and unclear tropes. But what if the Bible actually gives us an idea of what a life of faith looks like in the mess of our lives? Listen in to learn more.
How Now Shall We Live?
Looking at the world around us, is might be tempting to think that God has given up, that the human race is just too far gone. But Jesus has called His followers to be salt and light in the world. Listen in to this sermon to learn about the vision Jesus has for his people in the world.
A Godly Life
What does it mean to be godly? In essence, it means to showcase the nature of God to those around us. Listen in to this sermon to learn about how the Lord uses his law to show us exactly what He is like, so that we can show what he is like to others.
Christians often have a problem with “stuff”—the material things that make up a large part of our lives. When this happens, we miss the ways that God uses the stuff of our world to point us to the glory of his gospel. Listen in to learn more.
Concerning Slaves
God's law in the Old Testament can seem expansive and daunting to grasp—but when we slow down enough to really understand it, we can see that it is preparing us to understanding the grace of the gospel. Listen in to this sermon to learn more as we consider God's words about slaves in ancient Israel.
Everyday Holiness
"Holiness" is a word that often gets cloistered off into the realm of private devotion, but the Bible suggests that nothing is more important for the world than holy men and women. Listen in to this sermon to see how God connects our worship of Him to our living for the sake of others.
A Gifted People
God has blessed His church with spiritual gifts so that the church may be strengthened and be a witness to the gospel. Listen to this sermon to learn how God wants you to consider what Spiritual gifts you have that you can use to bless others.
Men and Women in Church
We want our church to be engaged in ministry—but are men and women called to ministry in different ways? Listen in to hear Paul’s vision for a complementary ministry in the church, for the glory of God and the good of the world.