
Jon Hyatt Jon Hyatt

Church Habits

What should Christians do with their time? Maybe, just maybe, they should do what they’ve always done: share in the life of God together, for the good of the world. Listen in to learn more.

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The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt

When God Speaks

In Exodus, God speaks out of fire and smoke, lightning and thunder. And while he may not do it in the same way today, he still speaks to us from his word. So how can we assess if we’re truly paying attention? Listen in to find out as we conclude our study of the ten commandments.

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The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt

“Do Not Steal”

Theft is an experience that almost everyone goes through at some point—we’ve all just learned to live with it, to some degree. But why is this the case? And does God care about what we do with our stuff? Listen in to learn more from the eighth commandment: do not steal.

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The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt

“Do Not Commit Adultery”

We live in a culture that tells us what happens in someone’s bedroom is a private matter—but experience tells us that these private actions can have disastrous public consequences. The Bible agrees. Listen in to learn why the Bible shows so much concern about our sexual integrity, and what hope it offers to a world steeped in shame.

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The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt

“Do Not Murder”

“What’s the big deal? It’s not like I murdered someone.” Is murder a sin so beyond our normal experience that we don’t need to think much about it? The Bible seems to say otherwise. Listen in to learn more about what this command teaches us about God’s valuing of human life.

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The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt

Remember the Sabbath

“Taking God’s name in vain” is often thought to deal almost exclusively with saying certain bad words—but when we take time to look at it, we see that it deals with something of utmost importance: the very identity of the God of the universe. What does that mean for us today? Listen in to learn more.

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The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt The Ten Commandments Jon Hyatt

Living With the Lord

Are the Ten Commandments anything more than old moralistic commands? Do they have any relevance for people like us today? The answer to that question all hinges upon who it is that spoke them in the first place. Listen in to learn more about the God who speaks to his people a new way of life.

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