Everyday Holiness
"Holiness" is a word that often gets cloistered off into the realm of private devotion, but the Bible suggests that nothing is more important for the world than holy men and women. Listen in to this sermon to see how God connects our worship of Him to our living for the sake of others.
When God Speaks
In Exodus, God speaks out of fire and smoke, lightning and thunder. And while he may not do it in the same way today, he still speaks to us from his word. So how can we assess if we’re truly paying attention? Listen in to find out as we conclude our study of the ten commandments.
“Do Not Murder”
“What’s the big deal? It’s not like I murdered someone.” Is murder a sin so beyond our normal experience that we don’t need to think much about it? The Bible seems to say otherwise. Listen in to learn more about what this command teaches us about God’s valuing of human life.